Research/Special Interests
Modernizing the millet; legal reform in the late Ottoman Empire; Ottomanism as a political ideology and as a shared cultural repertoire; transcultural memory and cosmopolitanism in Ottoman port cities; expressive culture (music, food, political cartoons, art, architecture) as a means to study the past and the present; Foucault’s heterotopia as a means for understanding the many and overlapping histories and meanings of a particular place; digital historiography.
“Between Cross and Crescent: British Diplomacy and Press Opinion Toward the Ottoman Empire in Resolving the Balkan Wars, 1912-1913” in War and Nationalism: The Balkan Wars, 1912-1913, and Their Sociopolitical Implications, Edited by M. Hakan Yavuz and Isa Blumi, Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2013.
“Landscapes and Memory: Reconstructing the Ethbnobotany of Smith Plantation” in Heritage 2012: Proceedings of the Third International Conference and Heritage and Sustainable Development. Porto, Portugal: Green Lines Institute, 2012.
“Hidden Heritage, Disappearing Legacy: Jews and the Politics of Memory in the Post-Ottoman City,” in the proceedings from Heritage 2010: Heritage and Sustainable Development, Edited by Rogério Amoêda, Sérgio Lira, and Cristina Pinheiro, Barcelos, Portugal: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development, 2010.
“History as Others’ Spaces: Using Foucault’s Heterotopia to Explore Intangible Heritage in Istanbul,” in the proceedings from Sharing Cultures 2009: International Conference on Intangible Heritage, Edited by Sérgio Lira et al, Barcelos, Portugal: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development, 2009.
Twelve entries in the Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World, Norman Stillman, Executive Editor, The Hague, Netherlands: E.J. Brill, 2010-2013: “Ariyas, Abraham.” “Algazi, Isaac.” “Algazi, Solomon.” “Varon, Ishak.” “Longo, Saadiah ben Abraham.” “Lonzano, Menahem ben Judah de.” “Aboud (Abut), Avram (Misirli Ibrahim).” “Maftirim.” “Faro, Moses.” “Shikar, Shem Tov (Hoca Santo).” “Fresco [also, Fresko] Romano, Isaac” [also, Tamburi İsak Efendi]. “Moreno, Dario.”
Eight articles in Alcohol in Popular Culture, Edited by Rachel Black. Santa Barbara: Greenwood, 2010: “Arts” (pp.11-14); “Cocktails” (pp.56-61); “Drinking Glasses and Vessels” (pp. 72-74); “Hooch” (pp.109-111); “Music” (pp.136-138); “National Identity” (pp/139-140); “Punch” (pp.157-158); “Religion” (pp.161-165).
“Dario Moreno and Sephardic Cosmopolitanism,” New York: Secular Culture and Ideas (an online, reviewed journal), at January, 2008.
“Jewish Women in the Ottoman Empire,” Chapter 11 of From the Golden Age of Spain to Modern Times: Essential Studies on Sephardic Jewry. Edited by Zion Zohar, New York: New York University Press, 2005.